Tolar VFD in Action over the years.
New rescue struts in use. These were purchased via a grant from Nortex Gas Storage.
Rollover on 01-05-2011
Sometimes you have to flap the roof.
Got her good side.
TVFD Gun Winner
This years Rifle Raffle Winner, Tommy Keith! He won a Remmington 700 rifle with a scope and case. A special thanks goes to The Pirates Den.
Special thanks to Worsham-Steed Gas for a bunker gear grant.
A donation from Face The Fire Ministries. With thier help we put into service our new LIfepak 12 Cardiac monitor.
Car vs. Semi - 03-12-2010
Which is your favorite Tolar VFD truck?
Ladder Truck Engine Brush Truck Tanker Squad
Posted by mhutsell Votes: 785 Comments: 0 Previous polls